Self Quiz

Rhythms of the World

Rhythms of the World - Self Quiz

How many of these questions can you answer on your own?  Click on the question to reveal the correct answer.  Visit the Rhythms of the World page if you need to do further revision.

What is a Raga and which style of music uses them?

A Raga is the melodic (melody) layer in Indian Classical Music

What is a microtone?

A small interval between notes.  A microtone is smaller than a semi tone - it is difficult to replicate this on Western instruments.

TOP TIP: Moving up or down a tone means moving up or down two notes on a piano (two frets on a guitar).  Moving up or down a semi-tone means moving up or down one note on the piano (or one fret on a guitar).

What is a tala and which style of music uses them?

The rhythmic pattern used in Indian Classical Music.

Name the main three instruments used in Indian Classical music and the parts they play.

Sitar - The Raga (melodic layer).

Tampura - The Drone (the accompaniment).

Tabla - The Tala (the rhythmic pattern)

TOP TIP: Sometimes the sitar is either accompanied by or replaced by a wind instrument.  If this is the case in your exam, remember the Bansuri.  This is a simple wooded flute used in Indian Classical Music.

Why can two performances of the same raga sound different?

Because the raga is heavily improvised.

TOP TIP: improvisation is an important feature of Indian Classical Music

Name a suitable artist for Indian Classical Music

Ravi Shankar

What is an aural tradition and which style of music uses this?

An aural tradition is when a style of music is learnt by ear.  Music is passed down from one generation to the next.  Music is learnt by ear rather than writing the music down using a form of notation.  

This is common for all the music we have looked at for Rhythms of the World - they are all aural traditions.

What is the name of the rhythm used in Bhangra music?

The Chaal rhythm

What is the name of the traditional drum used on Bhangra music?

The Dhol drum.  This is used to perform the Chaal rhythm.

What is a fusion and which style of music from Rhythms of the World can be considered a fusion?

A fusion is when different styles/genres of music come together tp create something new.  Modern Bhangra is a fusion of traditional Bhangra and Western pop and dance music.

How is music technology used in modern Bhangra?

Name a suitable artist for Bhangra music

Punjabi MC

Name the traditional drum used in Greek music.


What is the name of the guitar like instrument used in Greek music?


The main harmony in Greek music is usually harmonised in ________________.

Thirds (3rds)

What type of time signature is usually used in Greek music?

Irregular time signatures.

Common examples are - 5/8  7/8

Name a vocal technique used in Greek music.


TOP TIP: Greek music will use other vocal techniques, but melisma is very common in Greek music.

Name the instruments used in Palestinian music. 

Name the instruments used in Israeli music. 

Israeli music is often syncopated.  What does this mean?

Playing off the beat.

TOP TIP: The chords in Israeli music and Calypso are often played off beat.  E.g. they are played on the + beat - 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +

What is the talking drum used for in African Drumming?

The master drummer uses it to perform a complex (virtuosic) rhythm.  They will also use it to give signals to the rest of the ensemble.

What is the correct musical term used to describe the different rhythms used in African drumming?


TOP TIP: a polyrhtyhm is created when multiple different rhythms are performed at the same time.

Name three instruments used in African drumming.

Describe the master drummers job.

The master drummer leads they ensemble.  They will decide the structure of the performance and lead call and response sections.

Where does Calypso music come from?

Trinidad and Tobago

TOP TIP: if this style of music comes up in your exam and you are asked where it comes from, you will usually get a mark for putting one of the following answers...

Identify instruments commonly used in a 'regular' Calypso song

Identify the main instrument used in a Steel Band

Steel Pans

Where does Samba music come from?


Name three instruments used in Samba music.

What is call and response and how is this used in Samba music?

When a performer (usually the leader) plays a rhythm and the rest of the ensemble respond by either repeating the rhythm or playing a different rhythm.

Samba music uses call and response to break up the performance.  It can also be used at the start of a performance, almost like an introduction.

We often hear a whistle being used in Samba music.  What purpose does the whistle serve?

The whistle is used by the lead drummer.  They use it to give signals to the rest of the ensemble.

TOP TIP: they use a whistle becasue the sound cuts thorugh and is easy to hear.

What is the correct musical term used to describe the different rhythms used in Samba music?


TOP TIP: a polyrhtyhm is created when multiple different rhythms are performed at the same time.

What other (non percusion) instruments might we hear in Samba music?