Concerto Through Time

What is a Concerto?

A concerto is a piece of music written for a solo instrument, which is accompanied by an orchestra.  When people think about the orchestra and the type of music played by an orchestra, they generally think it is all 'Classical Music.'  However, this is incorrect.  'Classical Music' is not a style of music and not all orchestras perform 'Classical Music.'  Classical is a period of composition and not a style of music.

There are three periods of composition you need to know about for your exam.  They are; Baroque, Classical and Romantic.  The links below will take you to information about each of these periods of composition.  You need to know the features of each of these periods for your exam.

There is also a link to an external website where you can learn more about the instruments used within an orchestra, what they look like and more importantly what they sound like.